Sometimes, the best defense of the gospel isn’t a better argument but a better story. That’s why the previous episode about Josh Chatraw’s book Telling a Better Story and this episode with Russell Moore both focus on narrative apologetics. Also: after an episode in which your intrepid cohosts dredged the depths of some of the […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: How Much Intellectual Common Ground Is There Between a Christian and a Non-Christian? Common Notions and Common Ground in the Writings of Cornelius Van Til
The thinking of a Christian and a non-Christian diverges at the most basic level. The believer in Jesus Christ sees all of reality from the cognitive perspective of an individual who lives with “the mind of Christ” and whose life is shaped by the Word of God (1 Corinthians 2:16). This does not cause Christians […]
[Read More...]Church History: When Did Churches Stop Baptizing by Immersion?
As part of my research for the chapter on baptism in a book written by the faculty of Southern Seminary, one of the questions I wanted to answer was, “When did churches leave behind the New Testament practice of immersion?” The answer is, “Far later than you probably think.” Most of the students I teach […]
[Read More...]Timothy Paul Jones and Garrick Bailey: How to Do Apologetics in a Skeptical Age
Have you ever heard terms like “presuppositionalism,” “evidentialism,” or “classical apologetics”? Have you wondered if there’s an easier way to understand apologetics? Maybe you’ve even wished that people could defend the Christian faith in a skeptical age without talking about these terms at all. If so, this episode is for you! (Actually, every episode is […]
[Read More...]Ted Cabal: Creation and the Age of the Earth + “Let There Be Rock” (AC/DC)
This episode is packed with answers in Genesis—but, believe it or not, when we say “Genesis” we’re not talking about the group that’s been fronted by Phil Collins since the early 1970s from which Mike + the Mechanics was a spinoff. The focus of this week’s episode is the other Genesis, the one at the […]
[Read More...]Lisa V. Fields: Apologetics through Eyes of Color + “Crossroads” (Robert Johnson)
The blues, Robert Johnson, and The Jackson 5 are a few of the stars of this week’s episode of Three Chords and the Truth: The Apologetics Podcast. Lisa V. Fields—popular apologetics speaker and founder of the Jude 3 Project—joins Timothy to discuss a recent apologetics curriculum from Jude 3 Project. Along the way, Lisa reveals […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: Final Examination for Summer Apologetics Courses
This is the examination that students in my live summer apologetics courses at Boyce College and at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will be taking this week. If you’re interested in what they’re learning, take a look and see how you might answer these questions! Click here to download the final examination: 28700 Christian Apologetics […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: Who Wrote the Gospels?
Open your Bible to the table of contents and take a look at the list of books in the New Testament. There, you’ll find the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John leading the list. But were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John really the ones who wrote the Gospels? If so, how do we […]
[Read More...]Culture: Why Pay Taxes?
This week, millions of Americans will once again endure the filing and, in some cases, the payment of taxes—three months late, this time around, due to the challenge of the coronavirus pandemic. Taxation has never been particularly popular among Americans, having once incited several dozen Bostonians to dress up as Mohawk warriors and toss tea […]
[Read More...]Vocab Malone: Speaking Truth to Hebrew Israelites + “One Vision” (Queen)
Your intrepid cohosts have been watching lots of films with their families during this season of social distancing, so it’s not surprising that so many movies make appearances in this week’s episode. The first film that shows up is the 2016 Netflix film Barry, a fictional look at what Barack Obama’s first year at Columbia […]
[Read More...]Culture: How Scripture Became Part of the Story that Ended Slavery
For centuries, the Scriptures were twisted and distorted to provide support for racism and race-based slavery. It is no exaggeration to state that the enslavement of African Americans would never have persisted as long as it did without the support of persons who claimed to follow Scripture. At the same time, Christian ethics were also one […]
[Read More...]J.V. Fesko: Reforming Apologetics + “Freewill” (Rush)
Welcome to the Deeper-Than-Usual Episode! This episode has been named “the Deeper-Than-Usual Episode” mostly because it is a bit deeper than usual. Dr. J.V. Fesko—professor of systematic and historical theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, author of Reforming Apologetics, and all-around very deep person—joins the dynamic duo to discuss many deep things. Dr. Fesko momentarily risks his […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: Free Curriculum for Equipping Children’s Ministry and Student Ministry Volunteers
You now have access to free training curriculum for family ministry, for youth ministry and children’s ministry volunteers in your church.
[Read More...]Matthew Levering: Why Reason and the Physical Resurrection of Jesus Matter + “Stairway to Heaven” (Led Zeppelin)
Reason, resurrection, and the physical world are the focus of the most action-packed episode of Three Chords and the Truth ever produced. The primary reason why it’s so action packed is because the Toybox Hero Tournament includes a special cohost who is far more exciting than either of your intrepid cohosts. Renowned theologian Dr. Matthew Levering […]
[Read More...]Robert Plummer: Do the Gospels Tell the Truth? + “Truth, Goodness, and Beauty” (The Cure)
What does it mean to say that the Bible tells the truth? Do the Gospels tell the truth? And what should Christians do when they find a claim in the Bible that looks like a contradiction? Do the Gospels Tell the Truth? New Testament scholar and Daily Dose of Greek mastermind Rob Plummer joins Garrick […]
[Read More...]J. Warner Wallace: A Cold-Case Detective Looks at the Gospels + “Another Brick in the Wall” (Pink Floyd)
What happens when a cold-case detective applies his investigative skills to the New Testament Gospels? Find out as Timothy meets up with award-winning detective and bestselling apologetics author J. Warner Wallace. In addition to being a detective and apologist, Wallace is also a guitarist, bassist, and—Timothy is thrilled beyond words to discover—a fan of Steve […]
[Read More...]Culture: The Long Shadow of Racism in America
The institution of American slavery has been called America’s “national birth defect.” “Black Americans were”—in the words of one professor of political science—“a founding population [of the American colonies]. Africans and Europeans came here and founded this country together, Europeans by choice and Africans in chains.” These events happened far more recently than many Americans seem […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: When the Coronavirus Hits Home
“I’m having a really hard time breathing.” One day earlier, our oldest daughter had stayed home from work because of a low-grade fever. By the time Hannah called us from her apartment, the fever had refused to recede, and she was struggling to breathe. “Drive yourself to the emergency room,” my wife told her, “and […]
[Read More...]Josh Chatraw: Apologetics at the Cross + “Word on a Wing” (David Bowie)
Apologetics scholar Josh Chatraw joins Garrick and Timothy to talk about cross-centered apologetics, Augustine of Hippo, and what it takes to hang out with Tim Keller. Josh is the coauthor of several books, including Truth in a Culture of Doubt from B&H Academic and Apologetics at the Cross. Along the way, Josh makes the mistake […]
[Read More...]Timothy Paul Jones and Garrick Bailey: Is the Coronavirus Evil? + “Sympathy for the Devil” (The Rolling Stones)
It’s a new season of Three Chords and the Truth: The Apologetics Podcast, and Garrick and Timothy are serious about social distancing. They are, in fact, so serious about being socially distant that they’ve installed a mile-wide river to separate them. In the first half of this earthshaking season premiere, your intrepid cohosts discuss a recent […]
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