Welcome to the Very Kind Episode! Of course, almost every episode of this podcast is kind of kind, mostly because Garrick is just that kind of person, but this episode is particularly kind, because we’re joined by Dr. Keith Plummer.
[Read More...]Church History: Martin Luther and the Ninety-Five Theses
On October 31, 1517, a monk and professor named Martin Luther sent a document entitled Disputatio Pro Declaratione Virtutis Indulgentiarum to the archbishop of Mainz. This Disputatio consisted of ninety-five theses for theological debate. Perhaps on October 31 or more probably a week or two later, Luther hammered the theses to the door of All Saints’ Church […]
[Read More...]Church History: Martin Luther and the Ninety-Five Theses
On October 31, 1517, a monk and professor named Martin Luther sent a document entitled Disputatio Pro Declaratione Virtutis Indulgentiarum to the archbishop of Mainz. This Disputatio consisted of ninety-five theses for theological debate. Perhaps on October 31 or more probably a week or two later, Luther hammered the theses to the door of All Saints’ Church […]
[Read More...]PROOF: Martin Luther on Beards and Human Depravity
There’s nothing we can do to change our sinful nature. From time to time, we may have calmed our consciences by pulling the plug on a sinful habit or two. Perhaps we flushed a few pills down the toilet, vowed not to gossip so much about our coworkers, or made a New Year’s resolution to […]
[Read More...]Church History: Was Martin Luther Crazy?
For me, this video, entitled “The Insanity of Luther,” from R.C. Sproul is far more than a history lecture. I first watched this lecture in an earlier iteration, on VHS tape at a church in rural Kansas in the summer of 1992. A few months after that, a seven-year theological tribulation began in my life […]
[Read More...]Church History: Martin Luther Meets Manic Monday
30 Days through Church History: Day 16 Bonus
[Read More...]Church History: Reformation Day Meets Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Skip the opening minute of “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and enjoy a Martin-Luther-meets-Mary-Poppins-mashup of the history of the Reformation. 30 Days through Church History: Day 16 Bonus
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