John Pond is pastor of students at West Jackson Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee recently provided some engaging thoughts on the value of youth ministers working with parents. He offers four practical things youth ministers can start doing to communicate and work with parents. He encourages youth ministers to (1) communicate regularly, (2) pray with parents, (3) spend time with parents and (4) create a pro-family calendar. These wonderful suggestions are supplemented with additional details about how to accomplish these tasks. John makes the stakes clear:
The youth minister and parent are each other’s best allies when they work together. If we want our students to persevere with faith after high school, having joy in Christ and not in sin, parents and youth ministers have to support and encourage each other. Discipleship starts to go deep in the teenage years, and the whole church must cooperate. What’s at stake? Only the future family of the church.
What would happen if youth ministers worked with parents? Check out the rest of this article and find out.
(HT: The Gospel Coalition)